
Laser Hair Removal

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About Laser Hair Removal

Messy, painful and ineffective hair removal methods are now a thing of the past. Today, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treats unwanted hair with quick and safe bursts of light. Involving little downtime, you can continue with most of your regular activities immediately after your Laser Hair Removal treatment. Best of all, this non-invasive and effective approach yields permanent hair reduction and long-term hair removal – anywhere on the body.

Does it hurt?

While pain tolerance is different for everyone, most people tolerate Laser Hair Removal well, describing the sensation as a rubber band snap to the skin. We use a cooling machine with treatment help keep you as comfortable as possible.

How many treatments are necessary?

All hair follicles go through periods of dormancy and growth. As the Laser Hair Removal pulsed light only affects hair follicles that are actively producing hair at the time of treatment, resting follicles must enter the growth phase before they can be effectively treated. For this reason, treatment must be repeated every 6-8 weeks for a series of 6-10 treatments depending on the person and the area.

Who can be treated?

Those with a higher Fitzpatrick or those with a tan are not a good candidate for our Laser Hair Removal device. The laser will not be able to treat blonde, red, white or gray hair as it only picks up on darker pigment. For best results, Laser Hair Removal treatments are customized according to skin color, hair texture and body site. We recommend a complimentary consultation to be sure you are a candidate for this treatment.

Pre-Treatment Instructions

  • Prior to your laser treatment, please do NOT wax, tweeze, undergo electrolysis, or bleach the area to be treated for at least two weeks prior to your treatment.
  • Do NOT use Antibiotics or St. John’s Wort two weeks before treatment (they cause photosensitivity to the skin, which can cause blistering and/or burning.) You will be rescheduled!
  • On the day of or before your laser treatment, shave the area to be treated. If the area is not shaved there may be a prep fee.
  • Refrain completely from sunbathing, tanning beds or using self-tanning products for the duration of your treatments. This is to reduce the risk of burning. If you have had recent exposure you will be rescheduled!
  • Use a sunblock SPF 30 or higher each day that the treated area is exposed to sunlight, even on cloudy days. Avoid any direct sun exposure.
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Quick Facts
Quick Facts
Results Last:
Skin Types:
12+ months*
15-75 min
Little to none
6-8 for optimal results
Via IPL laser device
*Patients results may vary

Varies by area